Bath Classic Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st and now costs the princely sum of £15 per year for Full membership and £5 for Associate (Second member living at the same address)
For that exorbitant amount of expenditure, you get four newsletters a year filled with all sorts of interesting articles and/or assorted drivel – depending on what our esteemed membership sends to the editor. Of course if no one sends in anything it is assorted drivel according to the editor!
As a member of Bath Classic you are also affiliated to MAG, who fight for riders rights in the UK and Europe. – and that is of course your rights too.
We are also affiliated to the AMCA, our governing body on the competition side. They deal with competition licences, insurances etc.
As well as all the above you also get to join to a great bunch of friendly motorcycling enthusiasts, willing to talk, ride and live classic motorcycles or modern motorcycle, or motorcycles in general!
All that for a fifteen quid – what are you waiting for?
Details below on how to join

Membership Secretary who can be contacted on 01225 769223 for a membership application form, or you can email [email protected] and we will email or post one to you.